Blue, Black, and RaspWoody WoodpeckerBlueberries getting their groove on!Wait, which one is Donatello?Tractor Time!Team PickingBuckets o’ berries! Dr. Young’s PondSnowy pond during the winter.Check out Pamela’s new back-scratcher! Farmin’Rows upon rows of blueberriesOne of our favorite people.Anole The early birds got the worm! No, there are no worms! Only delicious berries!One of the grandkidsJonathanYes, that’s a quarter!When you see the signs……you are here!Look at Henrietta, working the register, chicken people out! Cool nature stuff, man!Don’t forget to feed the goats, or the goats will feed on…you? (They really won’t. They are like the sweetest goats around.)Three generations hard at work, but having fun!Holy cow! Look at all those berries! Better get your geese in a row come berry season! Look, it’s Ryan and his goslings! Taking a break from all that hard farm work!Welcome to Dr. Young’s Pond Berry Farm!Gosh dang, Elsa!Grand-kids chillin’The only kind of jam we don’t like here is a traffic jam!We have more blueberries than you can shake a stick at! Well you could shake a stick at them, but we ask that you don’t. Please, simply pick them and then bake a pie.Blueberries waiting to jump into buckets!One bush, two bush. Rasp bush, blue bush. Attention! Large group of blueberries looking for a home!Just a couple blueberries…Blueberries just hanging out.When the farmer’s away, the goats will play!Picked in minutes!Blackberries in snow.Fresh from the field! Honest Abe doesn’t lie, and he says these are the biggest blackberries he’s ever seen!Three reasons why we love the summer!Pamela and David – Who wore it best?Happy picking!Blueberries in the snow.Blueberries in the sun.Boysinberries!Path to berries!BlackberriesThese blackberries were spotted hanging out in the field. They were all like “Hey, we’re just hanging in the field. We need a place to go.”